Tag: scottish parliament

New Edinburgh Festival programme causes storm

By Alexander Lawrie EDINBURGH International Festival organisers have come under fire after unveiling their new programme – which features neds urinating and vomiting on the...

Trade Unions stage dramatic mock funeral outside Scottish Parliament

By Oliver Farrimond TRADE unions have staged a dramatic mock funeral outside the Scottish Parliament in protest over mounting job losses. Scores of angry demonstrators, dressed...

Scottish Parliament restaurant costs £88k per year

By Paul Thornton A CUT-PRICE restaurant for MSPs has provoked fury after it was revealed the meals it serves are subsidised by £12 a plate. The...

Penguins protest outside Scottish Parliament

By Oliver Farrimond HOLYROOD was given the cold shoulder yesterday as a group of penguins visited the Scottish parliament in a bid to raise awareness...

Scottish Parliament installs new anti-terror roundabout

By Cara Sulieman SCOTTISH Parliament bosses have been slammed for spending £223,000 of taxpayer's money to install a new high tech anti-terrorist device - a...

Community service strikers take further action

Workers at Scotland’s biggest council who have been on strike for five weeks have taken their protest to MSPs at the Scottish Parliament. Community service supervisors at Glasgow City Council travelled to Edinburgh as part of their on-going dispute over pay and hours.

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