Tag: scottish business

If There Is A Will There Is A Way With Technology

Leading legal firm Gilson Gray is pioneering digital technology to help simplify one of life’s most challenging tasks – to write a Will. The firm...

Tech Firm Surpasses Expectations as Crowdfunding Goes Above and Beyond

A UK food tech start-up has successfully raised £400,000 as its first funding round comes to an end – 60% above the initial goal...

How AI is Transforming the Scottish E-Commerce Community

The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is generally associated with science fiction movies and futuristic cartoons. However, it is important to realise that such...

Bailed-out bank “should put cash into eco-fight”

By Michael MacLeod THE Royal Bank of Scotland should be forced to help save the world from global warming by backing “ethical” projects according...

Scots firms fighting £155million tax debt

By Michael MacLeod STRUGGLING Scots businesses now owe the taxman a staggering £155million in overdue payments. And to stop more of them going under tax chiefs...

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