Tag: school

Cancel proms and do community work says report

SCHOOLS should cancel competitive “American-style” proms to avoid stigmatising poorer pupils, a new report has claimed. School leavers’ events have become big business in recent...

Boy, six, twice left stranded following school bus mix-ups

A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy was left stranded after being put on the wrong school bus - twice in the space of six months. Last October, the...

Modern boarding schools still a form of “abuse” claims therapist in new book

SENDING children to boarding school is a form of abuse and forces youngsters to develop "survival strategies" to deal with feelings of neglect, according...

Catholic school accused of banning girls wearing “provocative” shorts to PE

  A CATHOLIC school is at the centre of a social media storm after a girl was banned from wearing “provocative” shorts to PE. Pupils at...

Chemistry teacher called kid “sperm boy”

A CHEMISTRY teacher repeatedly called one of his pupils “sperm boy” in front of classmates, a hearing was told. Stephen Borthwick also openly discussed fellow...

“Ridiculous” Edinburgh Council shuts new £50K playground after one complaint

COUNCIL health and safety officials have been branded “ridiculous” after they shut a brand new £50,000 school playground following a single complaint from a...

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