Tag: salary

City of Edinburgh councillors to receive pay rises  

CITY of Edinburgh councillors are due to receive pay rises with council leader Jane Meagher's salary to jump from £64,000 to £71,000.   City councillors will...

Head of Edinburgh University accepts four figure pay rise despite warning staff of impending cuts 

THE head of Edinburgh University accepted a four figure pay rise of £9,400 despite warning staff of a dire financial situation and impending cuts.   Peter...

Apprenticeship at Nando’s leaves bad taste in people’s mouths as restaurant appears to offer less than £12,000 salary for ‘average customer service’ role

AN APPRENTICESHIP at Nando’s left a bad taste in people’s mouths as the restaurant chain appeared to offer a less-than-£12,000 salary for an “average...

‘Truly farcical’ – Job ad reveals Aldi store managers can earn £10k more than government cyber security expert

BRITS have been left divided after it was revealed that a store manager in Aldi would be paid nearly £10,000 more than a government...

Brits jokingly question their career choices after NHS role mistakenly advertised with salary of £4.4 billion

BRITS have been left questioning their career choices after an NHS role was mistakenly advertised with a salary of up to £4.4bn.  One job-hunter spotted...

Top post-lockdown career paths outlined by financial services experts

SPECIALISTS in recruitment for Scotland's financial services sector have outlined the top seven "trending" career paths for those looking to enter work or to...

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