Tag: robbery

“You burglaring little b******!” Moment vigilante neighbour confronts man “looking for work” wearing latex gloves

By Joe Hutchison (07395192349) A VIGILANTE filmed himself chasing off a latex glove-wearing suspected burglar from a neighbour's house. Jim Jolly confronts the hoodie-wearing cyclist who...

Moment brave gran, 55, wrestles with robber, leaving him to flee without his jacket

DRAMATIC video shows a brave 55-year-old shop assistant grapple with a robber half her age - leaving the crook to flee without his jacket. Grandmother...

Mum threatens to turn vigilante after finding it impossible to report crime – and then getting ticked off by cops for swearing – Wednesday

A FURIOUS mum is threatening to turn vigilante after she found it impossible to report a crime for two days - and was then...

Shocking footage shows “scumbag” barge over elderly lady whilst running with bag

SHOCKING video captures the moment an elderly woman is viciously knocked to the ground by a suspected thief running out of a shopping centre. A...

Robbed shopkeeper claims knife was turned into screwdriver “for plea bargain”

  A SHOPKEEPER has suggested the authorities turned a knife into a screwdriver to secure a plea bargain for a robber. A shocking video showed 60-year-old...

Two women “tasered” during shop robbery

TWO women were tasered in an armed robbery in the Borders this morning. The two shop workers at The Original Factory Shop in Kelso, Roxburghsire,...

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