Tag: Parking

Motorists face parking price hikes in Scotland’s Capital

MOTORISTS are facing parking price hikes at the meter and outside their own homes as cash-strapped finance chiefs aim to squeeze an extra £2...

Actress goat forced to walk across Edinburgh following parking crackdown

A THESPIAN goat is having to be walked for a mile through busy city streets after a jobsworth traffic warden banned its trailer from...

Fury over tram workers’ “private” car park in street

TRAM workers have sparked fury by creating a private car park in an area fenced off to other road users. Angry Shopowners, struggling to stay...

Driven to distraction: Traders slam tram workers’ “private car park”

TRAM workers have been accused of turning Princes Street into a £1bn private car park. Fenced-off areas of the famous street are used by as...

Edinburgh trials new business parking permits

TWO new business permits aimed at making it easier for businesses to park in the Edinburgh are being piloted over the next 18 months. A...

Expensive parking in Scotland spirals out of control

LOCAL authorities and private firms are raking in millions of pounds in expensive parking charges across Scotland. Motorists are being charged up to £6.50 to...

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