Tag: Northern Ireland

Drink-driving limit to be lowered

By Andrea McCallum PLANS are underway to lower the Scottish drink-driving limit to make it less than south of the border. Pub-goers would break the law...

Police warn child sex beast could be on loose in Edinburgh

By Shaun Milne A SEX beast described by a judge as being “an addictive paedophile” could be on the loose in Scotland. Lothian and Borders Police...

Britain’s modern day soldier poet launches poetry competition

By Cara Sulieman A POETRY competition designed to raise awareness of Remembrance Day among children was launched with the backing of Britain’s own modern day...

Lucky black cat saved from storm-force seas

By Rory Reynolds A TINY pet cat and her owner are recovering after a daring rescue by lifeboat and coastguard crews from Scotland and Northern...

Man in dock over Highland Show rape claims

By Michael MacLeod A NORTHERN Irish man has appeared in court over the alleged rape of a 17 year-old girl at the Royal Highland Show...

Smelly bus stops hit the capital

By Cara Sulieman NOT for nothing was Edinburgh once dubbed Auld Reekie. With the ongoing bin strikes seeing stinking rubbish littering the streets, and rush-hour traffic...

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