Tag: Nature

Last call for nature fund applicants

Budding applicants are being encouraged to submit ambitious ideas to improve habitats, safeguard species and tackle the causes of biodiversity loss in the final...

Spectacular year on of ‘firsts’ on Scotland’s nature reserves

Scottish Natural Hertiage (SNH) have announced a year of record breaking tourism and wildlife displays in a look back at 2019. The year saw the first-ever...

New lichen find near nature reserve

A beautiful and unusual club-like lichen has been discovered for the first time in Britain. The find of Multiclavula corynoides – sometimes referred to as...

Report finds SNH nature reserves generate £28m in benefits

Nature reserves owned by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) generate £28m worth of climate, tourism, recreation, and health benefits a year, research published today reveals. The...

Nature fund open for new applications

Additional funding is now available for ambitious ideas to improve habitats, safeguard species and tackle the causes of biodiversity loss, as the Biodiversity Challenge...

Himalayan lakes are exacerbating glacial melt

The rate glaciers are melting in the Himalaya is being significantly accelerated by lakes already formed by glacial retreat, new research led by the...

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