Tag: Nature

Wintering waterbirds on the increase

Numbers of wintering waterbirds in Scotland have increased overall but some species, particularly waders, are being affected by our changing climate. NatureScot’s latest Biodiversity Indicator...

Trucker snaps incredible shots of squirrel leaping towards waiting hazelnut

STUNNING photos capture a red squirrel jumping “to infinity and beyond” in pursuit of a precious hazelnut. The adorable critter was snapped by truck driver...

President of national rambler’s group calls for “formal ban” on balloon releases

THE PRESIDENT of a national ramblers' group has called for a "formal ban" on balloon releases, after becoming fed up of finding them littered...

Leading environmental charity launch new report setting out a vital areas for Scotland’s nature

LEADING environmentalist charities have launched a new report that sets out 11 areas that need to be worked on for nature's recovery in Scotland. RSPB...

Threat of wildfires remains very high warn gamekeepers and estates

The risk of wildfires across moorland and grassland in Scotland remains exceptionally high, gamekeepers and estates have said today. The warning comes after a spate...

Survey reveals nature concern

Public concern about biodiversity may be on the rise, a new survey suggests. The 2019 Scottish Nature Omnibus survey found that 65% of people agree...

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