Tag: Midlothian

New Roslin homes to launch in early 2022

A HISTORIC Midlothian village is the setting for a new development by Cala Homes (East).   The homebuilder has confirmed that March 2022 will see...

Carer wanted elderly resident to “f***ing die”

A SCOTS carer has been struck off after saying she "wished" an elderly resident "would f***ing die".Kimberley Liddell was removed from the Scottish Social...

Work underway on 57 social rent homes to help meet high Midlothian demand

WORK is well undreway on the construction of 57 affordable homes in a prime location within Midlothian, being built by CALA Homes (East) on...

The public are invited to share views on a new development in Midlothian

THE public are to be given a say on a new employment development in Dalkeith, Midlothian. Buccleuch Property are aiming to deliver a new employment...

Scottish care provider logs on to virtual viewing trend

SCOTTISH care homes have invested in new technology to offer potential residents and their families virtual viewings from the comfort of their own homes. Mansfield...

Local care home hosts Spring Olympics to stir activity among its residents

A CARE home has hosted a ‘Spring Olympics’ event for its residents to fulfil their cravings for competition and activity. Organised by the care staff,...

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