Tag: mental health

UK ranked 13th most relaxing country in Europe

THE UK has been ranked as the 13th most relaxing country in Europe, according to experts following a 2022 report. The UK is in the...

Royal Highland Show initiatives encourage good mental health for farmers

VISITORS to the Royal Highland Show are being encouraged to try a range of initiatives by a local charity to encourage good mental health. RSABI...

Scots explorer sets off on record-breaking kayaking adventure

A SCOTS adventurer is attempting a record-breaking Arctic voyage to kayak the 2,000-mile Northwest Passage. On July 1, Mark Agnew and a team of...

Scots locals welcome new £1.25m outdoor cycling facility

SCOTS locals have welcomed the arrival of a new £1.25m community outdoor cycling circuit, which opened on Sunday. Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and...

Scots charity appoints new Case Officer

SCOTS agricultural charity Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RSABI) has announced its newly-appointed Case Officer. The charity recently welcomed Shirley Hastings as its new Case...

Scots programmes release new resources to help parents struggling with mental health

A DUO of scots programmes have produced a new suite of resources to help healthcare professionals tackle mental health stigma for parents to seek...

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