Tag: London

Chris Hoy auctions cycling shirt

By Cara SuliemanFANS OF cyclist Chris Hoy can bid to win a bit of sporting history and help a charity at the same time. A...

Scots Boffin Invents Revolutionary Technique

By Alexander Lawrie A SCOTS medical inventor has won a coveted national award – with a little help from a car battery bought from B&Q. Dr...

Blur Star Teams Up With Scots Cheesemaker

  By Alexander Lawrie   BLUR star Alex James has teamed up with a Scottish cheese maker to producer the world’s first ever square blue cheese. The former...

Mike says: “Suits you, Mr Bin Laden”

  By Michael MacLeod A SCOTS tailor has told of his shock when two of Osama Bin Laden’s brothers came to him to buy a suit. Glasgow...

Deaf Mark to hear for first time after op

By Alexander Lawrie A DEAF Scot has undergone a complex operation to allow him to hear for the first time. Mark Ramsay, 29, had the cochlear...

TV campaign to entice Londoners to Scotland 181

By Martin Couper A-LIST celebrities including Billy Connolly and The Scissor Sisters will be appearing in television ads due to air this week to promote...

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