Tag: littering

Volunteer team collects almost 100 kilograms of rubbish from roads on outskirts of Edinburgh 

A TEAM of volunteers have collected almost 100kg of rubbish from the road verges on the outskirts of Edinburgh.  The Scottish Coastal Clean Up is...

Locals left disgusted at state of London’s street littered with dirty nappies, bottles of urine and drug paraphernalia

SHOCKING footage shows the state of the capital city of the United Kingdom in the 21st century strewn with dirty nappies, bottles of urine...

Disgusting photos show state Scots trains are left in during Edinburgh Fringe

DISGUSTING photos show the shocking state that Scots trains have been left in following the beginning of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. The Edinburgh Fringe runs...

CleanupUK launches litter-picking hubs as climate emergency continues

A new initiative has been launched today (11 NOV) by UK-based litter picking charity CleanupUK. This initiative will offer communities access to free litter-picking equipment...

Fed up Scot resorts to leaving stones in park calling litterers “fannies”

A SCOT has resorted to leaving foul-mouthed stones at a local park with messages calling litterers “fannies” after being fed up with cleaning up...

Litter pickers post amazing snap of dumped 7up can looking much as it did 34 years ago

REMARKABLE pictures show a can of 7up chucked away 34 years ago looking little different to the day it was sold. Litter pickers posted snaps...

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