Tag: heriot watt

Students reference “positive and constructive” conversations during talks with Scottish Government over South Sub tram-train proposals 

HERIOT Watt students proposing an extension of Edinburgh’s tram network have seen positive reactions in a meeting with the Scottish Government.  The group, made up...

New GA initiative to produce needed talent for Scots finance sector

A NEW graduate apprenticeship scheme will attempt to answer the need for more talent in Scotland's financial services sector. Heriot-Watt University has announced a new...

Scottish university to team up with BT for 5G project

SCIENTISTS from Heriot-Watt University have secured six-figure funding from Innovate-UK to work on a project led by BT. The scientists are developing the core component...

Robbie Neilson insists Hearts having the best training facility in the country will help lure new players

@CCP_sport Hearts head coach Robbie Neilson insists having the best training facility in Scotland will greatly improve his prospects of recruiting signing targets. The £33 million...

Students pay cabbie £50 extra to bring home bath

AFTER many decades spent stealing traffic cones on nights out, students have worked their way up to bathtubs. Freshers at Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University found a...

It’s light Jim, but not as we know it

SCOTTISH scientists have worked out how to put the brakes on the speed of light. Generations of school pupils have been taught that light slows...

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