Tag: Health and Wellbeing

No time like the present as one in three UK adults can’t swim

Nationwide campaign encourages adults in Scotland to take the plunge WITH a staggering 14 million adults in the UK unable to swim, the team behind...

Dementia care experts to hold open day for families

Luxury care home opens its doors to the public to view facilities SCOTLAND’S most luxurious care home is set to host an open day where...

£58k fund helps boost sustainable travel to QMU

Path upgrades create gateway for active travel in Musselburgh A PATH connecting Queen Margaret University (QMU) to the centre of Musselburgh has been refurbished and...

Energy leaders to host open day for local community

LEADING UK renewable energy developer, OnPath Energy (formerly Banks Renewables), is set to host an open day for community grant funding generated by a...

Scottish automotive firm leads the way with four-day week

Campervan company becomes first in industry to adopt scheme A SCOTTISH campervan conversion specialist has announced it will adopt a four-day working week from the...

Volunteer instils community spirit through decade of dedication

Charity celebrates locals for giving the gift of walking SCOTLAND’S national walking charity is celebrating 14,000 dedicated volunteers who are helping to get Scots walking...

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