Tag: fundraising

Edinburgh minister going for Olympic gold

A CHURCH of Scotland minister in Edinburgh is going for gold as she participates in the Olympic 2012 Gold Challenge for charity. From the beginning...

School ordered to remove banner from railings for distracting drivers

A SCHOOL'S fundraising banner has been ordered to be removed for "fanciful" road safety rules. St John's primary school in Edinburgh was told to take...

Comic Relief Launches in Scotland

Comic Relief launches in Scotland with Carol Smillie, the Red Hot Chilli Pipers and Greg McHugh all doing something funny for money.

Army wives walk tall in support of the White Hackle charity

A GROUP of 13 women took to the streets of Edinburgh for a charity walk to show their support and solidarity for soldiers serving...

Army wives to raise cash for injured soldiers on charity walk

THE wives of Scottish army soldiers serving in Afghanistan are set to show their support for the armed force as they raise funds for...

Honeymoon horror groom is making a steady recovery

By Christine Lavelle A TEACHER who was hit by a car in Italy has been moved out of intensive care, almost a month after he...

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