Tag: Fitness

TV fitness coach Joe Wicks hosts Monday morning 5k run in Edinburgh 

TV FITNESS coach Joe Wicks hosted an impromptu 5km in Edinburgh’s city centre this morning, offering eager joggers the chance to run alongside him.  Wicks,...

No time like the present as one in three UK adults can’t swim

Nationwide campaign encourages adults in Scotland to take the plunge WITH a staggering 14 million adults in the UK unable to swim, the team behind...

Former Team Scotland athlete launches foul-mouthed rant at ex-client following vile message allegations, calls her “obese” and “r***rd”

A SCOTS athlete has been slammed after launching a foul-mouthed rant at a former client following allegations that he sent her vile messages. Sean Campsie...

Scots farmers highlight exercise benefits through charity videos

A SCOTS farming couple are helping to inspire farmers, crofters and agriculture workers about the benefits of keeping fit. Jacalyn Dunlop and Grant Neilson are...

Walking charity encourages applications for project funding

Active travel projects to benefit from up to £100,000 with the Open Fund SCOTLAND’s walking charity, Paths for All has increased the maximum amount of its active...

Scots PE teacher was so nervous during proposal that his fitness monitor thought he was doing a workout

A SCOTS PE teacher was so nervous during his wedding proposal to his partner that his fitness heart rate monitor thought he was doing...

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