Tag: fire

Hill fire seen from space

SMOKE from a massive hillside blaze which destroyed hundreds of acres of moorland was photographed from space. A NASA satellite captured the inferno near Dumfries...

Pensioner dies in Gretna house fire

AN ELDERLY woman has died in a house fire in Gretna. The pensioner was rescued from her home on Union Road after the fire broke...

Fire chiefs urge public not to delay 999 calls

FIREFIGHTERS have urged the public not to delay dialling 999 if they hear a smoke alarm going off. The warning comes after a number of...

Fire crews battle hotel blaze

TWENTY five firefighters battled a blaze that ripped through a derelict hotel since early Monday morning. The fire broke out at the former Gartwhinzean Hotel...

Toddler hospitalised after fireraisers target home

A FATHER told today how sick, fireraising thugs put his 15-month-old daughter in hospital. Little Alifa Islam needed an oxygen mask and an ambulance journey...

Toddler hospitalised after fire

A 15-month-old baby girl was taken to hospital following a blaze started by rubbish on fire in a stairwell early this morning (tue). Firefighters were...

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