Tag: Exams

Uni offers bouncy castles, knitting and David Attenborough to combat stress

STRESSED-out students at one of Scotland's top universities are getting bouncy castles, knitting classes and David Attenborough recordings to help combat frazzled nerves. Glasgow University...

Anger as exam chiefs plan 35% pass rate

EXAM chiefs have been condemned over plans to cut the pass grade for National 5 and Higher exams to just 35%. The lowest pass grade...

Teachers furious after SQA “cheating” claim on exam coursework

EXAM chiefs have "grossly insulted" Scotland's teachers by suggesting they give students too much help with coursework. A senior official at the Scottish Qualifications Authority...

Exam report reveals crocodile question was the killer in maths higher exam

A NEW report has revealed the higher maths exam question so hard that it reduced maths higher students to tears last May - forcing...

Veteran teacher sits A level – gets a B

A VETERAN teacher at Tony Blair’s old school has exposed the “unfair” and “harsh” exam system after sitting an A Level paper - and...

Conservative concern at UCAS exam changes

The Scottish Conservatives have raised concerns at reported changes to the central system for those applying to go to university or college. There are fears...

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