Tag: Environment

“Beyond ridiculous.” Amazon use two huge boxes and masses of paper…for a pair of litter pickers

AMAZON has been accused of using two huge boxes and a mass of packing paper to deliver - a pair of litter pickers. Customer Zena...

Brexit Could Ruin Britain’s Green Agenda Warns UN

The United Nations has issued a stark warning regarding Britain’s ability to meet its environmental commitments post-Brexit. The United Kingdom currently enjoys a good...

Amazon branded “disgraceful” for sending bag of dog food – with over 150 air-filled plastic pouches

AMAZON has been branded “disgraceful” for sending a bag of dog food - wrapped in more than 150 air-filled plastic pouches. Jools Bullingham filmed her...

Boots’ Facebook page swamped by customers protesting stocking of krill oil

BOOTS' Facebook page has been bombarded by hundreds of angry customers threatening a boycott over the store selling krill oil. The tiny, shrimp-like krill are...

Tour guide reveals shocking plastic pollution on stunning Scottish beach 30 miles from nearest town

A HEARTBREAKING video shows piles of plastic rubbish piled up on a beach on a Scottish island famed for its unspoilt coastline. Adventure tour operator...

ScotRail lift ban on customers’ reusable coffee cups following years of complaints

SCOTRAIL have been forced to lift their ban on passengers' reusable coffee cups following years of complaints from customers. From Monday, travellers will be able...

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