Tag: energy

Laughter from this years Edinburgh Fringe could power an entire home for six days, research reveals

THE sheer amount of energy produced from laughter at this years Edinburgh Fringe could power a home for around six days, new research has...

Osprey video “proves” proposed windfarm poses a danger to birdlife

AN anti-windfarm campaigner has posted video of an osprey flying "dangerously" close to the site of proposed turbines. Dan Luscombe, who lives near Loch Meiklie,...

Poet Laureate to pen an ode to the meter

Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy has today announced she is writing her most unusual piece yet, an ode to the meter, which will be...

Social landlords to launch energy company

A new independent energy supply company, the first in the UK operating on a non-profit distributing basis, plans to be selling heat and power...

April sun provides 100% energy for solar panel homes

SOLAR-powered Scottish homes saw 100% of their electricity needs met by the sun during April, it was revealed today. Environmentalists are calling for more homes...

Adventurer Mark Beaumont backs Scottish energy campaign

HE may be "The Man Who Cycled the World", but it seems Mark Beaumont still has a soft spot for his Scottish roots. As temperatures...

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