Tag: Edinburgh Zoo

Arktos to meet new ‘polar pal’

On Monday April 9, a key phase in the introduction of Walker the polar bear and his new male companion Arktos at the Highland...

That’s yer lot, Sunshine: zoo says hope of panda cubs fading

THE panda breeding season is drawing to a close this year at Edinburgh Zoo, and although Sweetie and Sunshine have hit it off and...

Yang Guang, thank you ma’am

ZOO bosses turned off the webcams trained on Scotland's pandas this morning as matters heated up in the bears' enclosure despite the chilly weather. Male...

Taking the p***: Tony’s task to watch pandas pee

He might have the worst job in Scotland, but the man who keeps an eye on the pandas' toilet habits is vitally important to...

Edinburgh pandas “could be ready to mate next week”

AS TEMPERATURES have risen across the UK, so has Sweetie the panda’s hormones and the countdown is now on to her potential breeding date. The...

PICTURE SPECIAL: Panda takes the plunge

Male panda Yang Guang enjoyed the gorgeous Edinburgh weather this morning with a dip in his pond. Unlike female Tian Tian, whose interest in her...

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