Tag: Edinburgh University

University of Edinburgh team create quirky coffee-making AI robot  

A TEAM at the University of Edinburgh have created an AI-powered robot that can brew cups of coffee.   A study has said that the robot...

75% of staff at University of Edinburgh willing to strike over ongoing financial troubles  

ACCORDING to the UCU (University and College Union) a vote with 59% attendance from members saw 75% of staff willing to strike over the...

Head of Edinburgh University accepts four figure pay rise despite warning staff of impending cuts 

THE head of Edinburgh University accepted a four figure pay rise of £9,400 despite warning staff of a dire financial situation and impending cuts.   Peter...

University of Edinburgh announces £1m funding reward for climate forecasts amid turbulent financial state  

THE University of Edinburgh has announced it has been awarded bumper funding of £1m to help forecast climate tipping points.   This comes amid several concerning...

University of Edinburgh sends concerning email to staff warning of “urgent” finance gap  

A CONCERNING email has been sent to staff at the University of Edinburgh offering an extended voluntary severance scheme and warning of an “urgent”...

World’s oldest purpose-built student union closed since 2023 now expected to be closed until 2026  

IT HAS been announced that Teviot Row House, Edinburgh University’s student union building, has encountered renovation problems expected to push opening until next year.   The...

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