Tag: Edinburgh City Council

‘Coulthard chef’ to open new venture

By ALEXANDER LAWRIE A TOP Scottish chef has quit the hotel chain started by racing champ David Coulthard to set up on his own restaurant. Roy...

Edinburgh drivers facing 500 road digs a day

By SHAUN MILNE MOTORISTS are being driven mad in Scotland’s capital city– by almost 500 sets of road works. The astonishing figure, revealed by Scottish Roadworks...

Flags raised in Edinburgh to honour armed forces

By Oliver Farrimond EDINBURGH joined a host of cities nationwide yesterday in raising a flag to honour the UK’s armed forces. The ceremony, attended by senior...

Edinburgh OAPs go five sets with Wii Tennis

By Oliver Farrimond STRAWBERRIES and cream were on standby as a team of elderly care home residents took to centre court yesterday – on Wii...

City schools set for the scrapheap

By Michael MacLeod FOUR Scots primary schools are set to shut amid falling pupil numbers. In a cost-cutting drive, Edinburgh’s education bosses want to close...

Demolition set homes cost £2.2m to protect from vandals

By SHAUN MILNE A SCOTS council plans to spend £2.2 million protecting hundreds of empty homes it plans to bulldoze over the next few years...

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