Tag: Edinburgh City Chambers

“Productive, but uncertainty remains” – Dreghorn residents meet with the Ministry of Defence and Edinburgh City Council about potential evictions. 

RESIDENTS living in the Dreghorn housing estate met with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Edinburgh councillors yesterday, to discuss their threatened eviction.  Those living...

Edinburgh City Summit considers support options for people of Ukraine

CITY leaders have come together to discuss Edinburgh’s ongoing response to the Ukraine crisis. At a summit held in the City Chambers, Council Leader Adam...

‘Key’ day in Hearts’ plans for £12 million main stand as Edinburgh Council decide whether to grant planning permission

BY ALAN TEMPLE - @CCP_Sport HEARTS are set to find out on Wednesday if they have been granted planning permission for their new £12 Main...

Under-threat Ladyboys of Bangkok protest Edinburgh City Council

By Rory Reynolds THE WORLD famous Lady Boys of Bangkok yesterday protested against controversial plans that could force them to quit the Edinburgh Festival after...

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