Tag: dundee

Study uncovers why some females may be more susceptible to disease

FINDINGS from a study claim to help explain why some females may be more predisposed to disease, suffer worse outcomes of virus infections or...

Funding awarded to help researchers find a potential cure for malaria

RESEARCHERS have been awarded funding to identify compounds that could help create a single-dose treatment for malaria. The University of Dundee's Drug Discovery Unit (DDU), will utilise ...

Research shows that unborn babies respond to mother’s voice and touch

A SCOTTISH university has found that unborn babies will respond to their mother’s voice and touch from inside the womb. Research conducted by the University...

Academic accepts lead role in $55m initiative to help fight deadly diseases

AN ACADEMIC at a Scottish university has accepted a role to lead a $55m initiative aiming to create a "tissue time machine" to help...

Covid study to examine “disproportionate” impact on care homes

A SCOTTISH academic has been awarded £32,000 to fund a new study looking into the "disproportionate" effect of Covid-19 on care homes. The new study...

Public to be given a say on new affordable housing in Dundee

PROPOSALS to deliver affordable housing at Ballindean Road, Dundee will be put to the public for input at on online consultation. Cullross Ltd and Caledonia...

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