Tag: drugs

Scots dad-of-two has picnic in Edinburgh’s Meadows spoiled after discovering “drug den” in busy local playpark 

A SCOTS dad-of-two had his picnic in Edinburgh’s Meadows spoiled after discovering piles of needles in a busy local playpark.  Colin Macleod was visiting the...

Disturbing footage shows three men in “zombie” state in middle of Birmingham pavement, stirring up fears of fentanyl abuse on streets of Britain 

DISTURBING footage has surfaced showing three men in a “zombie”-like state on the streets of Birmingham.  The trio were filmed lying in a completely non-lucid...

Police footage shows officers dramatically stopping van with drug courier carrying £6,000 worth of cocaine 

POLICE footage shows officers pulling off a dramatic stop on a van carrying £6,000 worth of cocaine and swiftly arresting a suspected drug courier.   Kenny...

Former world champion boxer Paul Smith slams state of Liverpool streets

FORMER world champion boxer Paul Smith has slammed the state of the streets in Liverpool after filming a grim video shows discarded needles and...

Scots mum-to-be left living in fear after alleged drug users lay comatose on landing, pee in corridor and bang on her door

A SCOTS mum-to-be has been left living in fear after an alleged spate of terrifying antisocial behaviour right outside her own front door. Nicole Kennedy...

“Potential for growth” – House-hunters left shocked by former weed farm property – with the operation still intact

HOUSE-HUNTERS have been left shocked by a former weed farm property on auction for £275,000 - with most of the operation still intact. The two...

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