Tag: drink

Former pub owner has first alcohol of her life on 100th birthday

A FORMER pub owner celebrated her 100th birthday - by having the first alcoholic drink of her life. Annie Mackie, who lived through two World...

Edinburgh College ready to serve up a treat at food and drink festival

EDINBURGH College will open its larder and put on a feast for the city and surrounding communities at its second annual Treat food and...

Comedian Janey Godley claims Irn-Bru ripped off “crack” joke

A SCOTS comedian has accused Irn-Bru of “ripping off” a punchline she used during an audition for their new advert. The drinks company released its...

$4,000-a-nip rum arrives in Scotland

THE world’s most expensive rum arrived in Scotland today - costing £2,627 a measure. Legacy, a dark rum, was distilled by Angostura and created to...

Scots spend £1bn on food each year only to chuck it in the bin

SCOTS bin one fifth of all the food and drink they buy every year, wasting an astonishing £1bn a year, according to new research. Drinks...

New era for two of Scotland’s drinks suppliers

SIX months after announcing the merger between Inverarity Vaults and Wm Morton, managing director Stephen Russell today (27th February 2012) laid out a new...

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