Tag: court

Downward trend in debt cases continues

THE number of debt cases being considered by Scottish courts has continued to fall for the fifth year in a row. There were 35,400 debt...

Steven Mathieson jailed for 22 years for raping two women next to murdered escort

A man who murdered a 23-year-old woman before raping two others next to her corpse has been jailed for life. Steven Mathieson stabbed escort Luciana...

Dundee man banned from matches for throwing smoke bomb

A DUNDEE man is fined and banned from football matches after he threw a smoke bomb onto a pitch at a Scottish Cup final.   At...

Outrage as breastfeeding jury candidate told to feed baby by bottle

A MOTHER who asked to be excused jury duty because she is breastfeeding was told to leave her baby at home with a bottle. The...

Addicts mark veins out of the blue

THE BLUE lights in Edinburgh Sheriff Courts toilets are no deterrent for heroin users as they pre-mark their arms before entering the building.   Users have...

Sheriff Liddle claims courts in crisis

A SERVING judge has angrily complained that his court is in "crisis" as a result of "gross overloading".   Sheriff Gordon Liddle launched an outspoken and...

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