Tag: China

Pandas in Scotland a “fool hardy” plan says charity chief

THE arrival of two giant pandas to Scotland has been blasted as “foolhardy” by the boss of an international wildlife charity. The CEO of the...

Zoo to ask for bamboo donations

CASH strapped Edinburgh Zoo is expected to make a plea to members of the public to grow bamboo in their gardens and help the...

Giant pandas to give boost to Edinburgh Zoo

A DEAL to re-home two Giant Pandas from China in Scotland could provide a massive boost to cash strapped Edinburgh Zoo, bosses admitted last...

Chinese students are crucial to Scotland's education sector

By Christine Lavelle UNIVERSITIES in Scotland are cashing in China’s “crucial” student population to bolster the country’s educational sector. Education Secretary Mike Russell said China has...

Staff member ‘burst into tears’ over uncertainty about job

By Martin Graham A CHURCH of Scotland boss told an employment tribunal today how a member of staff had had 'burst into tears' because she...

Scotland’s should forget tourist cliches claims branding expert

By Andrea McCallum SCOTLAND should stop relying on shortbread and tartan to sell itself to the world – according to a branding expert. David Guy, business...

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