Tag: care

Greater protection for care leavers welcomed

Recommendations to improve support for care leavers at risk of homelessness have been welcomed by Housing Minister Kevin Stewart. A working group, co-ordinated by the...

Student nurse honoured for her caring skills after impressing colleagues with handling sensitive situations

A student nurse has been honoured for her caring skills after impressing colleagues with the way she handled sensitive situations at both a small...

Novacare launches project to support care providers in Scotland

Novacare, the leading service and solution provider for the care industry, has launched a project to support the care industry with the recruitment and...

Aberdeen city joint inspection for children and young people in need of care and protection.

Inspectors have identified key strengths in the way children and young people in need of care and protection in Aberdeen are supported and cared...

novacare secures official accreditation from UK Government G-Cloud and embarks upon a number of pivotal UK strategic partnerships

The care industry's most powerful online recruitment platform has today received accreditation from the UK Government G-cloud. The G-Cloud initiative targeted at easing procurement by...

Fury as woman severely disabled by cerebral palsy has care cut from 22.5 hours a day to just nine.

A SEVERELY disabled woman has hit out after her care was cut from over 22 hours a day to just nine. Susan Mccosh, who can't...

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