Tag: Cannabis

West Lothian drug cop raids hit the jack-pot thanks to tip offs

By MICHAEL MACLEOD DOPEY drug dealers who stole plant pots to grow marijuana were collared after neighbours phoned cops to report the garden thefts. The tip...

Rollers boycott Tam Paton’s funeral

By ALEXANDER LAWRIE BAY CITY ROLLERS manager Tam Paton was snubbed by his former band as he was laid to rest yesterday. The controversial music mogul...

Kids lay in squalor while dad grew drugs

By PAUL THORNTON & REBECCA JAMIESON A MOTHER neglected her four children and kept them living in squalor while their father grew immaculate cannabis plants in a...

Police Stumble Across Fake Movie Factory

By Alexander Lawrie  POLICE carrying out a routine drugs raid had a pleasant surprise – when they stumbled across a huge stash of cocaine, weapons...

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