Tag: break in

Scottish police dog tracks and takes down burglar before sniffing out stolen goods  

A SCOTTISH police dog has tracked and taken down a burglar before proceeding to sniff out hidden items.  The pooch, known as Ninja, responded alongside...

Cash-mere: Group of thugs force way into carpet shop to rob till in the dead of night

WATCH the shocking moment a group of thugs forced their way into a London carpet store in the dead of night to rob the...

Cat burglar: Hilarious POV footage shows moggy sneaking into neighbour’s house and pinching food

HILARIOUS point-of-view footage has captured the moment a cheeky cat sneaks into a neighbour's home and pinches food. An anonymous owner who goes by Kitten...

Shocking footage shows man appearing to pose as fake delivery driver to case out home – before jumping fence and breaking in

SHOCKING footage shows a man appearing to pose as a fake delivery driver to case out a home - before jumping the fence and...

Homeowner burgled during hospital visit posts footage after “imbecile”crooks fail to disable CCTV

A BURGLARY victim has released pictures showing how her home was trashed - while she was at hospital with her partner who is being...

Moment crooks “at amateur end of criminal spectrum” hilariously bungle restaurant raid

A HILARIOUS video shows the moment a bungling trio of thieves epically failed to rob a restaurant. The gang appear to have pre-planned the raid...

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