Tag: Animals

Beaver introduced to the wild missing, feared shot

By Daniel Maguire FEARS are growing for a missing family of beavers in Argyll – and police fear that one may even have been SHOT. There...

Fun-loving monkeys give zoo-keepers the run around

By Michael MacLeod CHEEKY monkeys at Scotland’s biggest zoo had their keepers going ape – after spending a fourth day on the run. They escaped on...

Hotel turns into rescue centre

By Cara Sulieman THREE little piggies destined for the chop after being sold to a Scots hotel so customers could enjoy home reared bacon have...

STRUGGLING ZOO BACK IN THE BLACK: Five Sisters Zoo Numbers Soar As Easter Holidays Fast Approach

By OLIVER FARRIMOND A STRUGGLING Edinburgh zoo has seen visitor numbers rocket after a successful few months of fund-raising. The Five Sisters Zoo, in West Lothian,...

Teacup Pigs Cause A Stir

By Alexander Lawrie FOUR cute piglets - which are the size of a teacup when born - are the latest attraction at a Scottish zoo. The...

Pigeon flies into chocolate fountain

  By Cara Sulieman A SCOTTISH SPCA worker thought colleagues were winding her up when she got a call to pick up a chocolate covered pigeon...

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