Sponsored Posts T&C



  • Posts must be paid for in advance before being uploaded.   
  • All posts are subject to a maximum of one do follow link, including headings and picture captions.  
  • UK law requires us to label sponsored posts. “Collaborative post” is our preferred option. Others (such as “Partner post” and “Sponsored content”) can be discussed but the need for clear labelling of paid-for content is non-negotiable.  
  • Author bylines can only be accommodated as body text at the start of the article.   
  • Articles including material likely to cause offence and/or break social media advertising rules cannot be accepted. Such material includes, but is not limited to, pornography, “sugar dating” websites, drugs that are illegal under UK law and associated paraphernalia, essay-writing services, keto/diet/weight loss pills and anti-psychotics/anti-depressant medication.
  • Requests for posts sent to a particular email address will result in posts being uploaded to the associated website. No amendments or refunds will be available. Please use the correct email address for the site you want.
  • Posts, especially gambling-related, which breach UK laws and regulations will be deleted and no refund will be provided.
  • Articles that identify individuals and/or organisations must not contain potentially defamatory material. Any doing so will be refused and any already published will be removed and no refund given.  
  • Articles must not contain material that breaches copyright law. Articles must not include endorsements – including those that are implied – from other companies, organisations, celebrities and named individuals – unless documentary proof of the endorsement is provided in advance.    
  • Any posts, including links, which breach UK law will be removed, and no refund given. Anyone acting as an “agent” please note that the same applies and we expect that you will have checked links for compliance.  
  • Please check your article very carefully before sending as refunds will not be made unless any mistakes are our responsibility.  
  • A fee of £25/$35US is charged to delete posts before their normal deletion date or to remove long-term posts.  
  • A fee of £25/$35US is charged to edit a post once posted. Any additions to the post will be over and above that charge if subject to the fees listed above. For example, deleting text is included in the £25 charge but adding a picture would attract an additional £10 charge.  
  • We only undertake to offer the specific services listed above and make no guarantees in relation to any aspect of the performance of articles.  
  • Our normal working hours are 9am -5pm (GMT) Monday to Friday. Please note there is no evening or weekend cover.  
  • We would appreciate seeing a draft article so it can be approved before agreeing to the price.  
  • UK customers will have VAT added to the above prices.  

These Terms and Conditions apply to the following websites: