News Coverage

NEWSDESK: 0131 516 3433

What kind of people produce the stories you send to publishers?

Covering news stories is a specialist skill which is why all our news journalists are trained in Scots Law, have an average of 100wpm shorthand, and a bona fide journalistic qualification from an approved University college or NCTJ accredited training course.

This is important because we strive to ensure accuracy and fairness in our reporting, which is why we always ask sources to provide us their own details, in confidence, so we can be sure that the information we are working on is genuine.

What if I’ve got a news story I think should be told?

Contacting a journalist can be an intimidating process, but in reality, it is just like getting in touch with any other working professional. We live and work in the community and are here to do a proper job, not live up to caricature of a hack that you’ll find in some Hollywood movie.

Not every tale will be suitable for our markets, but we’ll do all we can to give you an honest opinion first we decide together how to proceed.

You can get touch in a number of ways:

You can email us in confidence here: but please remember to let us know how and when we can contact you to check the facts.

If you prefer to speak with someone you can contact our Newsdesk on 0131 516 3433.

You can also use our Submit A Story button on this website to attach documents, images of even video – but please do leave contact details so we can check back with you.

Alternatively you might feel more comfortable getting in touch through our dedicated Facebook page which you can find at

I don’t have a news tip – but I think my story would make a great magazine feature. Can you help?

Yes we can. We act as a broker for some of the best selling magazines here in the UK and will do our upmost to find the right publication for you.

All we ask is that you sign a simple contract with us so we know you are genuine about sharing your story with the world before we use our own resources to try and find the best publication suited to your particular needs.

A feature story can really be anything from an unusual hobby to a kiss and tell; a traumatic event with a significant outcome to a miracle baby; racy sex habits to a heart-warming story about some unsung hero.

The more unusual your story, the better.

We’ll interview you, ask for some photographs and then contact all the magazines we think might be interested in hearing about your tale.

Although we write up the original story and pitch it on your behalf, it is often the case that an Editor might want one of their own journalists to re-interview you for tone and style. It might seem strange, but this is perfectly normal.

These things don’t always happen overnight, the magazines will want to do their own checks too. But because they trust us to vet your story first, we can open many doors often closed to ordinary people with a deserving story to tell.

Do I get paid if I give you a story?

Our policy is not to pay for news tip offs, that way we can be sure there is no alterior motive to why someone if telling us what they know. In special cases involving a major news event, we can approach publishers on your behalf, but can offer no guarantees.

Our specialist editors can, in certain circumstances, extract some kind of payment for a strong magazine story. However these must be very compelling interviews and require your full co-operation and exclusivity. We can advise on the best way to do this.

I have a complaint about a story – what should I do?

In the very rare event that someone has a complaint against this agency, we ask that they contact us in writing initially detailing their grievance. We will then investigate the circumstances and get back to the complainer with our results.

If we agree a mistake has been made, we will act swiftly to put it right. If we disagree, we will offer a full explanation of why that is and seek to resolve the issue further.

If no agreement can be reached, then the complainer can seek further recourse through the Press Complaints Commission whose Code of Practice we agree to follow.