AN online bookmaker has declared it it odds-on that there will be a Yes vote in the next Scottish Independence referendum.
A spokesman for made the commends after the SNP won 56 of 59 seats in yesterday’s general election.
The bookmaker’s co-founder Paul Petrie said: “ The reason we make it odds on for a Yes vote, is that we don’t think the SNP will go for one until they are confident they will win.
“These General Election results certainly puts them on the right path.”
However he said the odds were against it being called within the next decade.
He said: “The good news for those that are against a Yes vote, is that we make it odds on that it won’t be called within the next ten years.”
McBookie’s odds are as follows:
**Scottish To Vote For Independence In Next Referendum
Yes – 8/13
No – 6/5
Referendum Before End of 2024?
Yes – 5/4
No – 4/7