DOMESTIC abuse charity Edinburgh Women’s Aid has publicly released their stance on transgender women, refusing to offer them their services.
The organisation, which is one of Scotland’s largest women’s aid charities, has said that they will also “lawfully exclude” trans women or males who have transitioned to non-binary from employment with them.
Edinburgh Women’s Aid states they provide practical and emotional support to those suffering from domestic abuse, offering them groupwork and refuge spaces.
Their stance is in direct contrast to that of their umbrella company, Scottish Women’s Aid, who welcome all women including those who are transgender or in lesbian relationships.
Edinburgh Women’s Aid has released a position statement which states: “We recognise the rights of women to hold and express differing beliefs in society.
“However, as an organisation we do hold specific positions in regard to our service provision and employment.”
They go on to refer to the Equality Act 2010 by saying: “A trans person can be excluded from single sex services when it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.”
They therefore maintain that they can “lawfully exclude transgender women and males who have transitioned to non-binary (including those with a GRC) in our adult groupwork services and in our shared refuge spaces, including our 24-hr refuge”.
A GRC is a gender recognition certificate, which legally recognises someone’s affirmed or acquired gender in the UK.
Edinburgh Women’s Aid also say: “In terms of our employment, Edinburgh Women’s Aid applies Schedule 9 (Part 1) of the Equality Act 2010 to our recruitment process.
“This schedule allows discrimination on the basis of gender reassignment, and therefore we lawfully exclude transgender women and males who have transitioned to non-binary (including those with a GRC).”
Women’s rights groups who oppose the government’s decision to allow a GRC to legally change a person’s sex, have praised the decision, calling it “fantastic news”.
The group believes “there are only two sexes, that a person’s sex is not a choice, nor can it be changed”.
Scottish Women’s Aid, the body who encompass all Women’s Aid charities across the country, are inclusive in their stance towards women as they make clear on their website: “Remember, Women’s Aid is inclusive of trans women, and women in lesbian relationships.
“We know it isn’t easy to reach out, but we want to support you.”
The Trans Advocacy and Complaints Collective (TACC), has stated that Edinburgh Women’s Aid’s statement is a direct breach of EHRC guidelines, and is urging Edinburgh residents to use their email template to complain about the policy to their local MSP.
Scottish Women’s Aid said today: “Our focus remains on ensuring the safety and well-being of the survivors who seek support from the Women’s Aid network.
“These are decisions for local women’s aid groups as autonomous organisations.
“We do not have any further comment at this time.”
A Scottish Government spokesperson said today: “The needs and safety of survivors of domestic abuse must be the utmost priority of support services. The Scottish Government cannot intervene in the operational running of the Edinburgh Women’s aid or any other charitable organisation.
“We expect all relevant organisations to comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
“As employers, organisations may need to consider the impact of other legislation, such as the requirements of the law on health and safety in workplaces.?
“The Scottish Government strongly supports the separate and single sex exceptions in the Equality Act 2010, which can allow for trans people to be excluded when this is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. This is not in conflict with our support for trans rights.”