NewsLocal NewsCity council launches initiative to recycle residents’ disused tech 

City council launches initiative to recycle residents’ disused tech 

A NEW service to recycle old tech has secured £23,000 in funding from the Public Library Improvement Fund. 

The City of Edinburgh Council used the funding to launch their new tech recycling initiative yesterday with libraries now playing host to tech recycling points.  

Tech donation boxes will be introduced at 15 libraries across the Scots capital in collaboration with Edinburgh Remakery.  

Edinburgh Remakery is an award-winning environmental social enterprise committed to diverting waste from landfill to build and promote a culture of repair and reuse. 

One of the tech recycling points. (C) Edinburgh City Council.
One of the tech recycling points. (C) Edinburgh City Council.

Aimed at improving digital upskilling, sustainability and inclusivity, the scheme will encourage residents to donate old tech for recycling at their local libraries.  

Donated tech will be reused and recycled, thus “contributing to a circular economy and reducing electronic waste”.  

The programme was officially launched yesterday with Craigmillar Library offering attendees at the event a Making Jewellery with Recycled Materials workshop, featuring old computer parts, circuit boards, and more. 

From January to October 2025, the boxes will be installed in batches of four: January to March they will be installed in Central, Craigmillar, South Queensferry and Oxgangs.  

In April to June: Morningside, Portobello, Wester Hailes and Corstorphine. 

In June to August: Muirhouse, Piershill, Fountainbridge, Newington and in August to October: Stockbridge, Moredun and Ratho. 

Councillor Val Walker, culture and communities convener said: “In 2023 Edinburgh Remakery tech boxes were hosted within two libraries – Central Library and Wester Hailes Library.  

“The response from the public was fantastic, and the library service was successful in securing an award from Edinburgh Remakery for the high volume of donations received. 

“Thanks to this new funding, we’re able to extend our partnership with the Edinburgh Remakery, working across 15 public libraries to host tech donation boxes and expand the role of our libraries in promoting sustainability throughout the city.” 

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