THE GLASGOW Film Theatre (GFT) has been sent an open letter from Unite hospitality workers, who are calling for them to boycott Israel.
They have asked the theatre to cease the sale and advertisement of any Israeli-linked companies, such as Coca Cola and Barclays.
The open letter, which was initially sent yesterday, has already received over 600 signatures, from a variety of filmmakers, actors, artists, and audience members.
The letter has now been presented to the theatre who are reviewing its demands.
Yesterday, Art Workers for Palestine Scotland shared a link to the letter, urging their followers to add their names.
The letter, initiated by members of the Unite Hospitality union of GFT, urges the venue to “recognise the power of film as a medium for social change, and, through adhering to BDS and PACBI, to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and all affected by Israeli aggression”.
They are calling for GFT to remove Barclays adverts that play prior to certain screenings, due to the bank’s alleged investment in arms companies that supply the Israeli army.
Barclays is stated as a “priority target of the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement”.
The letter also asks the theatre to endorse the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which has already been supported by over 150 Scottish organisations, 19 of which are related to film.
The policy that GFT are being asked to adopt also means a commitment to removing and replacing Coca-Cola from their bar menu, as it is another BDS priority target due to its “large contribution (through business-as-usual and taxes) to Israel’s war chest during the genocide”.
As GFT has been widely recognised as an inclusive and progressive space, showing many films that have been made or that showcase marginalised perspectives, the letter calls for them to “demonstrate a stance that mirrors this”.
In just 24 hours, the letter has been signed by over 600 filmmakers, actors, workers, and audience members, including recent Glasgow-based Turner Prize winner Jasleen Kaur.
Other signatories include the Rector of Glasgow University, Dr Ghassan Abu Sittah, Still Game actor Gavin Mitchell, author and musician Darren McGarvey, and BAFTA nominated producer, Elhum Shakerifar.
A spokesperson from the Glasgow Film Theatre said today: “The letter from Art Workers For Palestine has been forwarded to the Glasgow Film Board who will review it through our internal procedures.
“Glasgow Film remains committed to our Vision and Mission:
“Our vision for Glasgow Film is an inclusive, collaborative space where audiences and communities can nurture their passion for cinema and film and be empowered through participation in our programmes.
“Everyone is welcome and everyone is included. This is ‘Cinema For All’.
“Glasgow Film’s charitable mission is to provide ‘Cinema For All’. We exist to celebrate the magic of film and nurture excellent independent cinema from across the globe.
“To do this we provide high-quality programmes of curated screenings, events and industry opportunities; we empower our communities to participate through education and outreach initiatives; and we develop sector leading equalities initiatives to ensure cinema is accessible, safe and welcoming for the widest possible audience.”