EAST Lothian Council are set to raise council tax by 10% despite receiving extra funding from the Scottish Government.
Announcing their proposed budget, which is to be voted on next week, the cash-strapped council is due to agree on a 10% council tax raise.
This comes despite the local authority expecting to receive a dramatic increase in the General Revenue Grant (GRG) from the Scottish Government.
With the freeze on council tax rises coming to an end, many local authorities are considering a raise in their coming budgets.
The local authority raises 25% of its funds through council tax, with the proposals for an increase are set to go before councillors on February 18.
The budget also lays out expected increases to council tax of 5% annually for the next four years.
The increase equates to roughly £3 a week for most households in the county with a survey showing residents would prefer this over cuts to services.
East Lothian Council stated: “Income from council tax covers approximately a quarter of the council’s annual running costs.
“The proposed budget includes a council tax increase of 10% in 2025-26, aligned to previous planning assumptions along with indicative annual increases of 5% in the subsequent 4 years.
“Despite seeing an uplift in revenue funding through the settlement, the council continues to face significant demand and pressures which have resulted in budget overspends in recent years.
“Council tax increases are applied in order to balance the budget after taking account new funding and planned savings.”