TRAINS arriving in Waverley train station are among the top ten most crowded in Scotland, according to the Liberal Democrats.
The Scottish Lib Dems urged a Tory MSP to discuss the issue with ScotRail at a planned meeting today.
A report revealed that services from Leven Station in Fife to the capital were among the most crowded.
Glenrothes to Waverly services were also among the most crowded with morning and afternoon trains being the worst in both cases.
Fife services to the capital were typically 26% over their standard capacity while the busiest service in Scotland – Tweedbank to Waverly – was a whopping 45% above capacity.
Today, Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser will meet with ScotRail representatives to discuss an issue that has been raised before.
Lib Dem MSPs urged the Conservative member to raise the overcrowding following their report on the issue.
They also urged the SNP Government to take action on the overcrowding, demanding that the government “gets serious”.
Daniel O’Malley MSP, the Lib Dems’ transport spokesperson said: “Passengers are shelling out huge sums of money to travel by train, only to be squeezed under someone’s armpit once they’re on board.
“Routes in the Borders and Fife are particularly badly affected, with people packed onto services like sardines.
“The SNP government has been responsible for Scotland’s trains for almost three years.
“In that time, they have clobbered passengers with ticket hikes and done next to nothing to minimise disruption or overcrowding.
“It’s a masterclass in how to make public transport as unattractive as possible.”