EntertainmentNewsFry-up fans left unimpressed by “travesty” of a full English on offer...

Fry-up fans left unimpressed by “travesty” of a full English on offer in Spanish cafe

FRY-UP fans have been left unconvinced by a “travesty” of a full English breakfast on offer in a Spanish cafe. 

The meal was bagged at an eatery in the popular holiday destination yesterday, but has been ripped to shred by Brits over its appearance. 

The measly portion size and poor-quality presentation have been slaughtered by fry-up fans clearly unimpressed with the offering. 

A blue plate with a messily-arranged full English breakfast: one fried egg, one tiny rasher of bacon, one sausage, one hash brown, one slice of toast and half a tomato. There is also a dish with a small serving of baked beans, two mini packets of butter sit at opposite sides of the plate.
The measly meal received harsh criticism

Many were quick to call out the desecration of the classic dish, which is usually enjoyed by many Brits both at home and abroad

An image shows the breakfast’s components appear to have been chucked haphazardly at the blue plate, with some almost falling off. 

It consists of single items of everything, not lending itself to a hearty helping. 

The worst offenders on the plate are the unenviable fried egg and tiny, ragged rasher of bacon, which sit alongside half a tomato and passable-looking sausage and hash brown. 

What appears to be a single spoonful of baked beans has also been slopped into a small dish. 

A sole slice of toast hangs off the edge of the plate, with the two mini packets of butter the only double offering. 

The sad snap was posted on social media yesterday with the caption: “Full English Spanish style.” 

It has since attracted over 90 comments from horrified users, who were vocal in sharing their thoughts. 

One said: “It’s not singing as a symphony as a real full English should. All the items look isolated, sad and alone. Like a random encounter of strangers.” 

A second wrote: “’Full English’ apparently means half a child’s portion of poorly made, poor quality breakfast items.  

“Especially infuriating is the plastic packet of butter resting on the single rasher of scabby bacon when there is ample room on that plate. 

Another commented: “Just one of everything? I’m surprised they didn’t just put a single baked bean in a shot glass for you.” 

Another quipped: “The best advert to eat as the locals do.” 

A fifth said: “That poor pig, spent his whole life on a farm to end up in this travesty.” 

Another questioned: “Who says it came off of a pig? Looks a bit suspect.” 

The user brutally replied: “You are right, it might have been left behind on the road after a motorcycle accident.” 

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