Top StoriesLorry driver tries and fails repeatedly to reverse vehicle into space -...

Lorry driver tries and fails repeatedly to reverse vehicle into space – so onlooker hilariously does it for him 

WATCH the hilarious moment a lorry driver tries and fails repeatedly to reverse his large vehicle into a space – so an onlooker does it for him. 

Captured on a home’s outdoor CCTV camera, the dopey driver was attempting to turn around on the Netherland’s A7 road on Friday but underestimated the difficulty of the manouevre. 

Misjudging his turn repeatedly, the driver was eventually spared further blushes by local Robert Kuil, who had been watching on and decided to take matters into his own hands. 

The video footage shows the lorry driver being forced to turn around as they approach a height restricted bridge.  

The local man reversed the lorry into the space on his first attempt.
The local man reversed the lorry into the space on his first attempt.

With a small concrete space on the side of the road providing a perfect turning opportunity, the driver pulls his truck into position to back into it.  

Making his first attempt the driver doesn’t even come close to making it into the space with his front end catching the kerb.  

He turns the truck again and repositions it to make a second attempt at reversing into the space.  

This time the driver gets his back wheels into the space and becomes stuck, so steps out of the lorry and walks to the back of the truck to check his positioning.  

Climbing back into the cab, the driver makes another couple of attempts at turning into the small space, readjusting his angle each time.  

Still unable to fit the lorry into the space and with traffic building up around the stuck vehicle, the driver pulls back out onto the road to make yet another attempt.  

At this point Robert Kuil, who appears to have been watching the driver’s struggle from his nearby house, walks out onto the road to offer assistance.  

The two talk for a moment with Robert offering guidance to the driver who makes yet another failed attempt at turning his lorry.  

In an extraordinary turn of events, Robert then offers to do the manouevre himself, as the driver surprisingly steps out and allows the local to take control of the HGV.  

Robert then proceeds to pull back out onto the road in the lorry and allows the queue of traffic to pass.  

He then executes a perfect reverse turn into the small space on his first attempt putting the professional driver to shame.  

The footage of Robert saving the trucker was shared to social media yesterday with the caption: “I get that the local resident Robbert Kuil sees this scenario often enough that he knows how to handle it, but the driver himself does seem completely unable to judge that reverse and turning distance. 

“Something of a “training issue” there, surely?” 

The video has since received over 3,500 likes and more than 140 comments from users complimenting Robert’s impressive driving.  

One user said: “Did the driver just jump out and let somebody park his truck for him? 

“I want a go. I’d be no better than the actual driver was, but probably no worse, and I’m certainly not qualified to do it.”  

Another added: “It’s a blind side reverse, most drivers struggle with it because they avoid them.” 

A third wrote: “If you can’t back that single axle cab over you need a new career.”  

Another replied: “That’s pretty funny that the neighbour went and did it for him, but the driver is dangerous if he can’t safely reverse his vehicle.”  

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