BIZARRE posters have been plastered on bus stops all across Edinburgh advising locals on how to intervene in racist attacks.
The posters have been seen on Leith Walk bus stops and appear to have been put up just last night.
They were photographed alongside free Palestine posters outside a Tesco store on Leith Walk but have been spotted across the whole city in recent days.
Despite containing what appears to be good-natured advice, locals hit out at the posters and fliers being distributed in the city saying it made streets look like “s**t”.

The posters read: “How to take action against a racist attack. The five Ds of bystander intervention.
“Direct, Document, Delegate, Delay, Distract.”
Other writing on the posters expands on “the five Ds” explaining what each means and how to use them to intervene in racist attacks.
The poster also offers QR codes where online resources are available to interested parties looking to stop racist attacks.
A post to social media yesterday showing the poster reads: “A number of bus stops on Leith Walk have multiple posters stuck to them.
“Lots of graffiti and fly posting generally on Leith Walk makes it look s**t.”
The post received over two dozen likes and more than 85 comments from locals on social media.
One user joked: “The five Ds of dodgeball are Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge.”
Another said: “How sad are you to get angry at an anti-racism poster. I think you’ll live.”
A third replied: “The poster is informing people how to call out racist behaviour, which is what we should be doing if we see anything that needs called out.”
Another commented: “Seems like useful information to post in the bus stop.”
A fifth added: “I like having something to read at the bus stop.”