Home News Community Nominations for Edinburgh’s community councils come through, with another chance to get...

Nominations for Edinburgh’s community councils come through, with another chance to get involved in eight areas 

Photo by Gabriele Stravinskaite on Unsplash

THE count for community council nominations is in, and while 39 received enough nominations to continue their work, eight are opening second calls for members. 

The elections, which commenced last month, are a chance for residents to get involved in their local areas and to represent their communities to the City of Edinburgh Council

In areas where there are more people nominated than places on the council, another election will take place later this month to decide who will get each place. 

Eight councils did not receive enough nominations, and are now reopening applications to encourage more people to get involved. 

Photo by Gabriele Stravinskaite on Unsplash

The second round of nominations will open on 31 March and will close on 21 April this year. 

Out of 47 community councils across the city, eight did not receive enough nominations including Portobello, Craigmillar, and Old Town, and will soon issue a second call for nominations. 

Merchiston received their maximum number of nominations with 16 received, as did West End with 12 and Cramond, Barnton and Cammo with 14. 

Community councils are voluntary organisations run by residents, each with their local councillor as a returning officer, and were established in Scotland in 1973. 

Locals can utilise the map provided by Edinburgh Council to figure out which of the 47 community councils they belong to. 

Anyone who is 16 or over can apply to be a community council member, and will be responsible for attending meetings with fellow members and residents, campaigning for grassroots issues in the area, conducting surveys and often organising community events. 

They also offer residents the chance to give their opinions on infrastructure projects in their local area, such as the low traffic neighbourhood in Leith or the draft strategy from Princes Street and Waverley Valley

Nominations can also be received from local interest groups, which must be registered with Edinburgh Council and have been in operation for at least 12 months prior to the notice of election. 

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