Home Property and Construction “Serious structural concerns” result in sudden 18-week closure of busy Edinburgh bridge 

“Serious structural concerns” result in sudden 18-week closure of busy Edinburgh bridge 

Harrison Road Bridge. (C) Google Maps

HARRISON Road Bridge has been closed unexpectedly after structural concerns were found. 

The bridge in Polwarth is likely to be closed for 129 days, or around 18 weeks. 

The sudden decision was made last night and announced this morning, to ensure public safety. 

Both approaches to the bridge will be closed, meaning much of the road will be under construction though local access will be maintained. 

Harrison Road Bridge. (C) Google Maps
Harrison Road Bridge. (C) Google Maps

Dr Scott Arthur MP said today: “The closure of Harrison Road is now in place.  

“This is due to serious structural concerns identified during a recent assessment. 

“This decision has been made as a matter of urgency to ensure public safety – the closure is likely to last several months.” 

The Scottish Road Works Commissioner has confirmed: “Both approaches to and over the bridge will be closed but local access will be maintained. 

“Harrison Road Bridge deck will be replaced with a reinforced concrete slab to take loading off the cast iron girders.  

“This involves full excavation of the current carriageway and footway, break out of the jack arches and then reinstatement of carriageway, footway and kerbs.” 

The roadworks are stated to have started yesterday, and will last 129 working days which is equivalent to 18.4 weeks or 4.3 months. 

Edinburgh Travel News also said today: “Harrison Road closure points are at the bridge over the cycle path (at the north end) and over the canal at the south end.  

“The paths below remain open for now.  

“Local access is available via Harrison Gardens and West Bryson Road.” 

They shared a picture of the paths which will still be open at either end of the bridge, by Polwarth Terrace and the turning where Harrison Road meets Laurel Terrace 

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