News“Inconsiderate fool’s” terrible parking sees Range Rover block tram lines, causing delays 

“Inconsiderate fool’s” terrible parking sees Range Rover block tram lines, causing delays 

A MOTORIST’S terrible parking left Edinburgh’s tram lines blocked, causing major delays on a busy city road. 

A large Range Rover parked illegally on Friday on Leith Walk, blocking the tram lines that run along the road. 

An angry local snapped a picture of the large vehicle left in a loading only parking bay with its right side hanging out of the space onto the road.  

The motorist caused delays on the main road through the city with half of their vehicle blocking the tram tracks.  

The car was left on Leith walk. (C) Facebook.
The car was left on Leith walk. (C) Facebook.

A tram travelling along the road was forced to stop to prevent a collision with the badly parked vehicle.  

The motorist was branded an “inconsiderate fool” by locals after images of the large vehicle were shared online.  

Shared on Friday the snaps of the car were captioned: “Only in Edinburgh.  

“This absolutely inconsiderate fool parks in a loading bay causing the tram not being able to pass.”  

The post received over 20 likes and more than 40 comments from locals infuriated by the incompetent parking.  

One user wrote: “They need to bring in special fines for blocking tram lines double the normal amount so many self-entitled people in Edinburgh.”  

Another replied: “Chelsea Tractor with a personalised number plate. What a surprise.”  

A third added: “Pretty sure if it’s blocking the trams, it will be removed very, very quickly.”  

Another said: “This idiot is not in Leith. He’s lost in space.”  

A fifth commented: “This happens so often it must be a design flaw in the street.”  

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