MIDLOTHIAN Council has released a new survey asking for the public’s opinion on parking.
The consultation is aiming to ensure fair and equal access to available spaces.
The council currently loses around £90k annually by providing parking services. Over the next few years, it is estimated that a further £265k of work will be needed to resurface council car parks, refresh road markings, and add lighting.

Councillor Colin Cassidy, cabinet member responsible for transport, said: “We know parking is an issue most of us have strong opinions on, so please share them with us.
“A lot has happened since our current parking strategy was first published back in 2017, from the council introducing traffic wardens and issuing fines to banning pavement parking.
“We want to know if parking has improved since then, how easy it is to park in your area, and what your parking priorities are – do you choose a space based on proximity to your destination, or are you more concerned about the state of the car park, for example?
“What you tell us will help inform an updated parking strategy to make sure access to available parking is fair and equal.”
“To continue to deliver parking, we need to find a way to pay for all this. One of the ways this could be achieved is by introducing Pay and Display at more council car parks and some on-street parking.
“Generating income would allow the council to make repairs to existing car parks and continue to maintain the car parks in our care.
“How would local people feel about this? We need them to tell us by filling in the survey.”
The survey is available online until 23 March.
Alternativel you can go along to one of two public events:
- 25 February between 3 pm and 7 pm at Lasswade Library, 19 Eskdale Drive, Bonnyrigg, EH19 2LA
- 6 March, 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm at Dalkeith Library, 2 White Hart Street, Dalkeith, EH22 1AE
Printed copies will be available at Dalkeith and Lasswade libraries. You can also complete the survey by calling 0131 2977019.