NewsCommunitySafe Consumption Edinburgh calls for safe drug-use facility to be allocated funding...

Safe Consumption Edinburgh calls for safe drug-use facility to be allocated funding in the next budget 

COMMUNITY-LED pressure group Safe Consumption Edinburgh is campaigning for the council to set aside funding for a safe consumption facility (SCF) in the city. 

Glasgow recently opened the UK’s first drug consumption room last month, where people can safely inject drugs under clinical supervision and gain access to a wide range of treatment and support. 

According to the National Records of Scotland, 1,172 people died from drug misuse in 2023, which was a 12% increase from the last year and the highest rate in Europe. 

Ahead of the Edinburgh Council budget, which will be announced on 20 February, Safe Consumption Edinburgh met with the finance and resource committee to demand an SCF in the city. 

A community member for the Safe Consumption Edinburgh campaign in last week's council meeting (C) @SCFedi
A community member for the Safe Consumption Edinburgh campaign in last week’s council meeting (C) @SCFedi

They stated that although councillors had agreed in principle to an SCF, no progress had been made and no dedicated budget allocated. 

The group posted to social media yesterday, sharing the news from their meeting last week. 

They said: “Last Tuesday, community members involved in our campaign delivered a powerful deputation at the Edinburgh City Chambers, where the finance and resource committee met to discuss budget proposal.  

“Our campaign demands that a Safe Consumption Facility is allocated the needed funding. 

They added: “£44.3m has been set for health and social care. We demand that a portion of this funding be ringfenced for a SCF in Edinburgh.  

“If allocations have been made, there remains £2m for feasibility to explore other expenditures. The finances and resources are there. 

“The existing crime and punishment approach is a waste of time, money, and most importantly, human lives. Prevention is key.  

“Power is in the hands of the council to save lives and save money through an SCF. 

“It was clearly reiterated to councillors that the more SCF’s are delayed, the more tragic and unnecessary deaths occur.  

“The can has been kicked down the road for long enough; we will continue to drive this through to the decision makers in the chambers. 

“Come along to our demonstration outside the city chambers on 20 February, when the budget is to be released.  

“Take action now – demand a Safe Consumption Facility.” 

Glasgow’s SCF, known as The Thistle, is based on similar facilities across the world which have shown evidence of decreasing drug-related deaths and improving public health. 

Members of the public are permitted to inject drugs obtained elsewhere, with access to a safe space and clean clinical equipment. 

Calls for the building were made after an outbreak of HIV in the city in 2016, as recent statistics show that rates of infection are increasing. 

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